Repair and preventive maintenance of diagnostic equipment in ophthalmology

It is of primary importance to carry out preventive maintenance to avoid unpleasant problems during the use of the equipment. We are often called upon urgently to perform corrective maintenance on diagnostic equipment that could have been foreseen with well-planned preventive maintenance. It is required by the regulations concerning safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree No. 81) which have introduced obligations regarding the maintenance of work equipment. Especially if this is used in the medical field for diagnosis, therapy or surgery.

We also perform certified physical measurements on most instruments We perform measurements on lensmeters with lenses certified by the CNR National Institute of Optics. We verify measurements on Autorefractormeters, Keratometers, Biometers, Topographers, Tonometers.  


We have experience in repairing multiple brands and models of auto refractometers, including: Nidek, Topcon, Nikon, Shin Nippon, Kowa, Tomey etc.
We are able to successfully intervene even on out-of-support equipment. Verification performed with test eyes certified by the National Institute of Optics CNR

Riuniti Oculistici

Technical assistance on the major brands of eye treatment units.
C.S.O. - Meccanottica Mazza - Frastema - Polioftalmica

Projectors and luminous optotypes

Repair and restoration of light and computerized projectors and optotypes.

Slit Lamps and Ophthalmometers

Slit lamps and Ophthalmometers are the basic instrumentation of any Ophthalmologist, our job is to perform proper maintenance to ensure reliable use over time. Some assisted brands are: C.S.O. - Haag Streit -Topcon - Inami - Shin Nippon - Tekno Optical

Applanation Goldmann tonometer

Repair and calibration of Goldmann tonometers of all brands. Verification performed with double check, calibration rod and digital dynamometer.

Biometrics and Pachymetry

We repair biometry and pachymetry probes. We perform functional and measurement checks on biometers and pachymeters

Corneal topographers

Repair and check measurements on Corneal Topographers



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