- Cod. Fisc. e P.I. 11510580969
- +39 0223054035
- info@atsinnovation.it
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What do we do
Appliance repair
Appliance repair
is in our DNA
Very often we have to give up some equipment due to lack of spare parts. However, it is often possible to rebuild mechanical parts and repair electronic boards.
With the advent of SMD surface mount electronic boards, it is believed that once they are faulty they only need to be replaced. Sometimes however, with the right equipment, it is possible to restore them.
For example, Biometric and Pachymetry Probes are often repairable when the problem lies in the cable or connector. Their replacement is always very expensive, while the repair guarantees considerable savings with the usual reliability.
Probe restoration for Biometrics
Biometric and pachymetry probes of all brands. Check with samples.
Applanation tonometer calibration
Repair of all makes of applanation tonometers. Calibration with release of Certificate
our services
Wide range
Wide range
of provided services
preventive maintenance
We perform functional checks on diagnostic equipment in the ophthalmology field, even with certified samples.
Calibration control with lenses certified by the National Institute of Optics C.N.R. of Florence in compliance with the ISO 9342-1:2005 standard.
Surgical lasers
Periodic laser emission verification with certified Power Meters. Compulsory once a year for all centers that have them.
Maintenance and repair of slit lamps, ophthalmometers and campimeters.
Check electrical safety
Electrical safety checks performed with certified equipment. Diagnosis in case of non-compliance with the electrical parameters.
Diagnosis, measurement verification and repair of Autorefractors, Autorefkers and Topographers